How to Measure for Curtains: Tips and Tricks for the Perfect Fit

How to Measure for Curtains: Tips and Tricks for the Perfect Fit

How to Measure for Curtains: Tips and Tricks for the Perfect Fit


Choosing the right curtains for your windows not only enhances the aesthetics of your living space but also plays a crucial role in light control and privacy. However, to achieve the perfect fit, accurate measurements are essential. In this blog, we will guide you through the process of measuring for curtains, ensuring that you select the appropriate size for your windows. Whether you need standard window curtain sizes or custom measurements, these tips and tricks will help you achieve a polished and tailored look for your curtains.

Gather Your Tools

Before you begin measuring, make sure you have the necessary tools at hand. You'll need a tape measure, a pencil, and a notepad to jot down the measurements. A step ladder or stool might also be useful for reaching higher windows.

Measuring Curtain Width

- Single Window: For a single window, measure the width of the window frame from one side to the other. To achieve a fuller look, add 4 to 8 inches to the measurement. This additional width will allow the curtains to overlap the window and prevent light gaps when closed.

- Multiple Windows: When dealing with multiple windows close together, measure the total width of all the windows combined, including the space between them. Again, add a few extra inches for fullness.

Determining Curtain Length

- Length for Floor-Length Curtains: For curtains that fall to the floor, measure from the top of the curtain rod to the floor. If you want the curtains to have a slight break on the floor or pool gracefully, add 1 to 3 inches to the measurement.

- Length for Sill-Length Curtains: Sill-length curtains should end just below the window sill. Measure from the top of the curtain rod to the bottom of the sill, and adjust accordingly to achieve the desired length.

- Length for Below Sill Curtains: Curtains that extend beyond the sill create an elegant look. Measure from the top of the curtain rod to a few inches below the sill for the perfect length.

Account for Curtain Header

Remember to account for the curtain header when measuring. The header is the part of the curtain that attaches to the curtain rod. Typically, headers add 1 to 4 inches to the overall curtain length, depending on the style of the curtain and the type of rod you are using.

Calculate Curtain Size for Rod Pocket or Tab-Top Curtains

If you are opting for rod pocket or tab-top curtains, you'll need to measure the curtain rod's circumference. For a snug fit, multiply the rod's circumference by 1.5 to 2 times to get the required curtain width. The curtain's length will be the same as the measurements obtained earlier.

Considering Curtain Fullness

The level of fullness you desire will influence your curtain measurements. For a more tailored and flat appearance, use the exact measurements obtained. If you prefer a fuller look, increase the width measurement accordingly.

Choose Between Ready-Made and Custom Curtains

Ready-made curtains are available in standard window curtain sizes, which can be convenient for standard-sized windows. However, for non-standard or unique window shapes and sizes, custom curtains provide a perfect fit.


Measuring curtains is a fundamental step in achieving a polished and well-dressed window. Whether you need standard window curtain sizes or custom measurements, accuracy is key to obtaining the perfect fit. Remember to measure the width of your window, allowing for overlap, and determine the desired length based on your curtain style preference.

Additionally, consider the curtain header and the level of fullness you desire to ensure the curtains complement your room decor perfectly. Whether you opt for floor-length, sill-length, or below-sill curtains, proper measurements will guarantee an elegant and cohesive look for your windows.

By following these tips and tricks, you can confidently select the ideal curtain size for your windows, creating a stylish and inviting ambiance in your living space.